Christmas Tux 2017
Merry Christmas, everyone! Cutting it even closer to the Christmas deadline this time. This year has been a busy one, I’ve been focused on a lot of different projects and I definitely considered skipping my annual Christmas wallpaper this year, but as usual, I’m glad I pushed through and got it done.
I used an overall different process for this piece, so it has a little different look than previous years, I’m not entirely sure I like this process but it was fun to branch out. This piece uses some newer SVG features like layer blend methods, which presently don’t work too well in most browsers, but they’re fully supported by Inkscape. Now that I’m finished, I’d like to tackle a couple long standing Inkscape performance irritations which were exacerbated by having to use my dual-core i7-4500 laptop rather than my beefy 6-core i7-5820 desktop. I’ve also included Krita into my workflow this year, which has been awesome, especially with my drawing tablet.
Hope you all enjoy it and have great holiday season!
All wallpapers on klowner.com are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 license.